Part B reimbursement: earn revenue while saving time

Burnout can keep the best from wanting to open the doctor’s office each day A national survey, The Physician Task Load and the Risk of Burnout Among US Physicians (The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2021; 47:76–85), describes the look and feel of an albatross around the necks of struggling providers. The […]
New 2022 Rates Position CMS’ Chronic Care Programs Are Ripe for Increased Revenue, Improved Outcomes

If you’ve implemented chronic care management (CCM) or remote physiologic monitoring (RPM, a.k.a. remote patient monitoring) in your practice, you know that they generate new streams of revenue while allocating more time to take better care of your patients—with potentially life-saving results. In fact, Medicare is so confident that these programs will pay off that […]
Value-Based Care & Compensation

Change is a necessary force in rebalancing systems. Even a tiny application of change can yield substantial effects over time. Americans are changing how we approach healthcare reimbursement and compensation from a solid “Fee For Service” (FFS) tradition to a Value-Based Care (VBC) model. “All physicians are familiar with the physician fee schedule (PFS) model […]
Diabetic Patients In Value-Based Care: Creating The Win For Patients And Physicians
National Diabetes Month presents the opportunity to examine the process of improving diabetic health outcomes and boosting quality metrics. As a clinical pharmacist and medication expert, I understand the complexities of diabetes and believe it is critical to examine changes through the continuum of care as the national healthcare paradigm has shifted and the market […]
Reducing Burden In A Value-Based Care Model: What Physicians Need To Know

Physicians who treat a high-volume of Medicare patients will see changes January 1, as changes to Quality Payment Program (QPP) reimbursement models—MIPS (Merit-Based Incentive Payment System) and APMS (Alternative Payment Models)—take effect as part of the nation’s transition to value-based care. Value-based care ties reimbursements to outcomes, replacing the outdated fee-for-service model which garnered criticism […]